Friday, March 17, 2006

Unanimous Anonymity

Welcome. This is a new blog, and let's say it's in honor of St. Patrick's Day. I've read many stories of bloggers losing jobs or being threatened with job loss, so I am choosing to remain anonymous.

One of the benefits of anonymity is an opportunity to censor what I say much less. I would never hurt anyone intentionally, and I shall continue to be careful about that in this new blog. I have found that blogs replaced emails which replaced paper letters for people who want to keep up with friends and loved ones.

One of my favorite things in this new blog will be to discuss books, music, pop culture, politics, and, perhaps most importantly, restaurant reviews (and maybe bar/drink reviews) wherever I encounter restaurants and bars.

I invite you to return. I invite you to email me. And I hope that in some way, some day, you may find at least a piece of joy or entertainment in what you read.


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