Monday, June 15, 2009

David Letterman for President!

David Letterman said it more clearly, more maturely and more truthfully than I thought it even could be said: the joke he told about Palin's daughter was a bad joke in every way imaginable. It was not really funny, it was in bad taste, and it was "coarse."

Most importantly, Letterman issued an apology that was unqualified, straightforward and strikes me as sincere. He didn't try to cover his ass by using phrases such as, "if anyone was offended..." Nope, none of that obtuse language so common when people in the public light realize they screwed up. Aside from the joke itself, Letterman has shown maturity FAR BEYOND any of the other people who are using this episode to advance their own, barely-veiled motives of greater public awareness. In fact, to me, the MOST obscene component of this fiasco is how people, like that dumbass Sarah Palin, are crashing down on Letterman in order to raise their public images--and thus their likelihood of winning some election down the road. Or getting more ratings on their dinky little talkshows, like this guy. Or this New York Assemblyman. How in the hell did either of them get a horse in this race?

I wasn't feeling particularly defensive of Letterman when this all happened. But his willingness to stand up, make his sincere apology, and take his lumps make him a much more advanced and wiser and (dare I say it?) better person than dumbass Sarah Palin or a New York Assemblyman or a LA-talk show host heading into his 5th or 6th week on the air. (Yeah, I know Sarah Palin hunts with guns. So do I. I know she is from a rural area. So am I. She is stupid. Oh...and that's where the similarities end.)

Letterman has a history of being edgy. Bully for him. It has made him a well-regarded and well-paid entertainer. And he didn't say this during "Dora the Explorer." He said it on late-night TV for crying out loud! It is time for the crybabies and publicity seekers to grow up. And to take another piece of advice I delight in giving: don't go away mad; just go away!


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