Monday, February 05, 2007

The Good Nurse Has Two Encounters With the Law

On Tuesday morning, the Good Nurse delivered his car to the dealership so they could reattach some wires that had come loose in the steering column, rendering all the controls on the left side out of service. After a leisurely lunch with friends, he went back to the dealer to fetch his car. While waiting, a gentleman there who was also waiting struck up a conversation with the Good Nurse. The Good Nurse thought that someone was hitting on him. In his own words, the Good Nurse described this gentleman as, “HOT. SO VERY HOT. HE WAS ON FIRE!”

Suddenly I felt inadequate.

The Good Nurse went on to share with me the conversation he had with the gentleman. Turns out that the guy lives in Syracuse. They both lamented the fact that it takes 7 or 8 hours to drive to Syracuse. The Good Nurse allowed that he once drove it in under 6 hours. At this point, the gentleman showed his badge to the Good Nurse and revealed that he is a State Trooper. He warned the Good Nurse that attempting to set any more speed records while the Trooper is working would be unwise.

The Good Nurse then told me he would like to see the Trooper wearing his uniform. He didn’t tell the Trooper that, of course. After all, the Trooper is married. To a woman.

The Good Nurse’s next encounter with the Law was last week as he reported for jury duty. If you are an attractive man who had a trial starting last week, you should have tried to get the Good Nurse on your jury. If you are cute enough, the Good Nurse would have seen to it that you were acquitted. Or at least that it would be a hung jury. No pun intended.


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