Saturday, June 03, 2006

Homeland Security Fiasco

I am thrilled to death that my home county, in the most rural of rural areas, has brand new equipment for the local Rescue Squad. Many, many years ago, this was known as the "Civil Defense," a remnant of the Cold War. These fine, new fire trucks, diving tanks, computers and other new gadgets will serve them well in protecting and preserving the lives and lifestyles of people who live in and around Scottsville, KY. They were able to buy this new equipment courtesy of a Homeland Security Grant.

One of these days, this new equipment may one day save the life of someone I know or love. For that I am grateful. This equipment should NOT have been purchased with funds from the Department of Homeland Security. Of that, I am sure.

I am biased because I live in New York City. I did not live here on 9/11/01. I do live here now and lived here during the blackout, the "bombing" of the British Embassy, and the transit strike. I agree with Mayor Bloomberg when he says that Homeland Security money should go to terror targets. Scottsville is not one, unless the terrorists want to strike the former home of "Jews for Jesus." (It has since moved to Tennessee.)

I am not suggesting that rural communities don't need or deserve important, life-saving equipment. I AM suggesting that it should be distributed from some other funds, if our leaders choose to provide money.

By the way, why did small communities in western Kentucky fare so well on Homeland Security funds? Congressman Ed Whitfield is facing a tough re-election this fall...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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