Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Magnetism of the Big Apple

Around 3 weeks ago, I received a call about a job that would require me to leave New York City. The Good Nurse and I had talked it over. And over. And over. The location of the position would be flexible as long as I was based west of the Mississippi. We decided on San Diego. This was not just a casual call--but one from someone I know well and have known for years. He said, "I want you. And this position must be filled fast." So there was a 99% chance that this was real and this would happen, and I would be living in San Diego by the end of January.

When anyone makes a decision, it is often irrevocable. This time it was not. Not more than a few days ago, I withdrew my name from consideration for this position. It's a very difficult thing to do--to decline an opportunity offered by someone who knows me well, has worked with me, and wants to hire me. (I stood up for him at his wedding.)

Maybe one day I will be ready to leave New York City. But today is not that day.


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