Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Random Thoughts on Politics and Economics

1. Anne Coulter: is this compassionate conservatism? What does the religious right think of this kind of language? She just proved she is an idiot. But did we really need confirmation?

2. When companies move jobs out of the US, we should require them to continue paying social security taxes on the exported jobs.

3. Social security taxes now stop when an individual’s wages reach a certain threshold (I think it’s around $80,000 or so now). Remove that threshold.

4. Barack Obama lacks experience, many tell us. Regardless of this, could he ever, possibly, even remotely fail as our leader to the extent that George W. Bush has? US voters would do no better (and probably even do worse) if the names of all Senators were placed on a wall and the next President chosen by throwing a dart at the list.

5. Grant legal residence to undocumented aliens who can show that they have been here for more than 12 months or 3 years or whatever time is appropriate, without getting in trouble. Why should the undocumented be exempt from income taxes?

6. Make Puerto Rico a state. After all, they vote for President. Make DC a state. After all, they vote for President. This is the simplest and best way to also resolve that pesky “shadow representative” issue that Speaker Pelosi reignited after ascending to the throne.

7. Make New York City a state. Both New York State and New York City would be happier.

8. Send a fan letter to Governor Spitzer.

9. Recall Sheldon Silver and Joe Bruno for malfeasance.

10. Make Famous Author Rob Byrnes the next New York City Mayor. No, wait. Never mind. He moved to Jersey.

(Can anyone tell who just filed his income taxes?)


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