Sunday, January 03, 2010

Corporate Speak/Consultant Speak

I remember reading or hearing in a newscast about some people somewhere deciding what words were overused in 2009 and should be banished from the English language (e.g, apps, Obamanomics, etc.). I'm gonna do 'em one better. Here is a list of words/expressions resulting from what can best be called "Consultant Speak" or "Corporate Speak" and cover the past DECADE, and should be banished, IMHO.

1. REACH OUT-as in, why don't you reach out to the client and determine the immediate need.

2. MY CONCERN IS-as in, my concern is that the revenue won't meet the ROI. (ROI=return on investment)

3. PROACTIVE-as in, let's be proactive...this one is redundant. We are either active or reactive.

4. CHALLENGES-as in, one of our challenges is that the product is late. Call it what it is: a problem.

5. OPPORTUNITIES-synonymous with #4. An "opportunity" is a problem. It differs from "challenge" in that a solution is chronologically closer.

6. PULL TOGETHER-as in, will you pull together the data on the XYZ project?

7. CIRCLE BACK/CLOSE THE LOOP-instead, why not just say, "let's finish this now."

8. INCENTIVIZE-come on now, this isn't even a real word. When people say this, what they mean is, "let's manipulate the situation to get what we want."

My list is not exhaustive, so now add yours!


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