Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Fallacy of Global Warming

Just in case you continue to scratch your head over Al Gore's incoherent ramblings about global warming, here is some real science that can help: Milankovitch cycles.

Now, I'm all for being a good steward of our environment. Reducing pollution, reducing waste, reducing consumption; all of those are things we should consider for our basic health and the health of other creatures with whom we share this planet.

However, fearing that cows in Argentina who fart to much or getting hairspray from an aerosol can will destroy our climate just does not pass the smell test, no pun intended

Again, reducing harmful chemicals from the air we breath is a good and noble and desirable goal. But forces far beyond our control will determine whether our climate warms or cools. Maybe this is why Al Gore doesn't hesitate to fire up a private jet when he goes to receive an award from some starstruck organization.


Blogger Jess said...

My, we're in a mood, aren't we, Mister Crankypants? :P What happened? Did Al Gore do something to offend? :)


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