A Post Only for Documentation
It's 3:45am or so as I write now. If you enjoy this, great! If not, that's fine by me. I'm writing only for me as I want to remember a couple of crazy dreams just finished right before I awoke to take a whizz...
1. Stuck on a small boat, trying to get from the hotel of a resort back to the "mainland" to catch an airplane somewhere. Along with some family members, including my mother and my brother are at least one member of the New York Knicks (Danilo Gallinari), Tommy Lee Jones, and Johnny Cash. I'm trying to speak with Johnny Cash, but can't get a word in over the other passengers.
2. I am working for the city of New York and on my lunch break, I get a parking ticket. A reporter for the New York Times sees this and decides that unless I sign some document, he's going to put in the paper that a city employee was spotted at a Manhattan gay bar. (As though THAT would be news...)
3. While touring the White House, I am confused by the labyrinthine doors and find a bedroom housing an elderly woman watching TV and welcoming all the tourists (more like Graceland than the White House). Her room is all pink or mauve or something, with white, very deep-pile carpet--probably shag. (Again, more like Graceland than the White House.) She is sitting up in the bed holding the remote and happy as can be. Next, I find myself on a terrace bar, clearly for the use of the Secret Service, because the only ones there are all wearing those Secret Service earpieces and enjoying a brewski. But, the weird thing is that they are all hippie-appearing. Long hair and such.
4. Next, back in Kentucky working on somebody's farm. Lunch is served (dinner is what it's called on the farm). I chow down on all the good food set out on the table and then see that there was also pizza after I'm already full. So I snag a slice of sausage and pepperoni for later.
Not being a dream interpreter, I have no idea what these mean. But if I read this again fully conscious, I might make some sense of it. And, finally, I post it here only because I don't have a notebook and pen handy. Laugh, cry, ignore or stare expressionless if you happen across this post. Just remember, as I quote my favorite Tommy Lee Jones line from "The Fugitive," when Harrison Ford tells Tommy Lee Jones that he didn't kill his wife and jumps from the spillway pipe of a dam: I DON'T CARE!
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