The Freedom to Believe
New York City has so many cultures, so many races, so many languages--and so many religions. As evidenced by the Baptist churches in my neighborhood, even my own faith is represented here in this giant melting pot.
And I am ashamed of myself. Let me explain.
I would estimate that 90% of my friends are agnostic or atheist. I am a 100% believer in my Christian faith. I know my prayers have been answered too many times and that my faith has pulled me from the brink of tragedy so often that a higher power, for me that means Jesus, must be involved. My belief and faith is ever growing in my heart. My righteousness? Well, that's another issue.
I am ashamed because if any of my non-believer friends want to see an example of someone trying to live a righteous life, and they look at me, they are going to see failure. Some times I manage to receive the strength from my Savior to do the right things--to love others as myself, to give when asked, to pray often and to pronounce my thanks and gratitude for every blessing bestowed upon me. But it is the big and visible things where my failure is greatest. The body is a Temple of Christ, and I don't treat mine as a Temple should be treated. Sometimes I let my frustrations interfere with my thoughts, which should be focused on thinking and doing the will of Christ. The number of my personal failures could take up pages. I am guilty of being a weak ambassador for my Lord.
There is a reason that God has put me where I am today. I don't know the reason, and I may never know the reason. But I do know that I am traveling a journey that God is guiding. And as the Bible teaches, I want to submit myself to God's will--which means listening to that still, small voice and prayerfully considering my thoughts and actions.
I am not ashamed of the fact that my beliefs have a stark difference from the "establishment" Baptists that have turned "church" into corporate conglomerates. Here is the kicker: I don't believe that Baptists will be the only ones in Heaven! Jesus said, "I have other sheep ye know nothing about." I don't know if that means other planets, other faiths, or other life-forms. But I do know that part of what will make Heaven a glorious place for me will be learning about all these other sheep.
God's still working on me. I need to stand out of the way. Because when my friends or their friends hear the word "Christian," I don't want them to think of me as being like all the headline-grabbers of our lifetime who teach and preach hate and confusion. And let me be very clear about this: preaching hate and confusion is from the devil! It is evil! And in this nation, they don't have to answer to us, but a day of reckoning will come.
I love my friends. I want to see them on the other side of the River Jordan. I know I will see some of them, but I want to see all of them. In my heart, I believe my calling is to live my life as righteously as possible to be an example. Then, one day, somebody is going to ask me, "why are you so happy? What is that glow about you? How do you manage to stay so cool under pressure?..." And on and on. And then I will be able to share with them my testimony. But before they will listen to my testimony, they will have to see me living it.
And remember, God is Love. When you hear someone try to teach or preach anything else, you can be sure that he is confused. And Satan is the author of confusion. Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and all the others: I open my arms to you. God has already blessed me with a heart full of love. It is humbling and joyful to me to share that love with you. And, allowing the strength of my Lord to work through me, when I am able to share my love with you, it will be complete and irrevocable. It will be forever. For that is the way the Love of the Lord is to me. Emulating that Divine Love is a task for which I am not worthy (and never will be), but which I accept. And only, only, with the continuing strength and guidance of my Lord will I ever be able to reach even the most minute speck of success.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile
No slaves or masters
No male or female
For we are all one in Jesus Christ
Galatians 3:28