Wednesday, November 19, 2008

North Carolina, ahem, Eye Candy

Last night found me in front of the TV watching North Carolina give a sound beating to Kentucky on the basketball floor. It was gutwrenching! The only consolation was a bit of eye candy on the Tarheel Team. I suppose that one can tolerate a thrashing if one can look at this...

But all that being said, I still wish Kentucky would have won. Hmph.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What a Way to Start the Day!

This was among the emails waiting on me this morning:

Hey michael,

I just wanted to write to you and tell you how impressed we all were with your performance on sunday. I know that it's tough to play a whole game, like we all did, and I was really impressed with how well you stuck it out. We needed you there and you definitely stepped it up.

See you Friday,


I am still in pain--PAIN I say--from Sunday's game. Because only 5 players could make it to this past Sunday's basketball game, all of us there had to play the entire game. I am not accustomed to playing an entire game. But with encouragement like Jeremy shared in an email, the sore muscles are worth it! I have already said in this forum that this season's team is my favorite among all seasons I have played in this league. And this email shows that, collectively, they are more than just a pretty face! ;-)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Autumn in Central Park

The quality is the best that I could get from a Blackberry camera. The changing of the leaves has arrived in Central Park, and this image is from the lunchroom on the 21st floor of the building where I work. Fall brings memories of football and basketball and bonfires and raking leaves and cold school buses and warm sweaters and hot apple cider and church revivals...